I hope this motivates me to keep going.
I also hope this does not encourage me to continue to procrastinate... I took the test about an hour before the deadline. Oops.
But I GOT A 96!!!!
Oh, I guess I haven't mentioned what I'm even talking about. As I'm sure you've guessed, I have FINALLY started graduate school. I am working towards my MA in professional counseling. It's a hybrid program with mainly online instruction, but some brick and mortar classes. I should be done (and provisionally licensed!) in about 2 year.
I'm going to a evangelical school. This is a new experience for me, but good one. It's funny though. I was so worried that when I went to grad school I was going to always be the most conservative one and constantly taking heat for it. Ironically enough, I am easily the most liberal of my classmates this semester and now I'm taking mild heat for pushing some touchy issues. (not gonna lie, it's kind of fun). I am happy to be in a conservative setting. I applaud those who are brave enough to go and get their MSW's from public schools and who speak up for their beliefs all the time... but I'm glad I'm not one of them! That sounds stressful. ;)