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Sunday, May 8, 2011

On Mother's Day

"You know, Mother's Day really is a horrible holiday. You've got all the people who wish they were mothers who are sad. Then you've got all the people who have lost their mothers who are sad. There's mothers who miss their kids who are scattered all over the country, so they are sad. And then there's all the people who have kids, but feel like they are a terrible mother and are not living up to anyones expectations so they are sad.... I really don't know anybody who actually LIKES this stupid holiday!"

-This person shall remain nameless, but this conversation made my day. This person is a mother, by the way.

Don't get me wrong. I think mothers are wonderful. I love my mom and am so, so thankful for everything she's done. Mothers DO deserve recognition for the sacrifices they make and everything they do to raise their kids.

But seriously. Mother's Day does kind of suck.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! I always end up feeling bad because I want the kids to WANT to be nice to me for a day...unfortunately, that's the day they choose to fight and be LESS helpful. Then my sweetie gets upset and I start thinking I'd rather just have a regular Sunday when everyone is happy.
