BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's been a while, sorry!

Hi again!

Jon came home about two weeks ago. It's been pretty crazy and I apologize for not posting sooner! He is doing well. The first week that he was home, it was all about the little victories... getting out of a chair by himself, being able to sleep on the bed instead of in a recliner, etc. His doctors say he is doing great. His heart function and size is almost back to normal, and his pulmonary pressures are good. He will start physical therapy tomorrow. He has to go 5 days a week... he is going to be tired!

It's incredible to see how well he is doing now. As I was driving home from Church today, I found him walking our dog about a mile away from our house. I ended up needing to pick him up because we had some people from Church coming over right then and I needed him home, but I was amazed that he had made it that far. In the weeks before the surgery, he could barely make it to the mailbox. We are so thankful that he has such great doctors and is healing.

He will be able to go back to work in about a month. He is going insane with boredom! If anyone wants to call or stop by... I'm sure he'd love the company! His mom is still here and will be here till February 22nd. It has been a huge relief for me knowing that he is taken care of while I'm at work. He can't drive yet so he needs help getting around. Plus, at any age, I think when you're sick there's nothing like having your mom there to take care of you ;)

Anyway. That's all for now. Thank you all so much for the prayers, calls, care packages, meals, and love that you have shown us!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! In a month he could go to work. That's amazing! We're glad to hear he is doing well and only getting better everyday.
