BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Whew! It's only 8 am but Jon has already had quite the day. They came in at 3 am and started taking blood for some final tests. Then he got scrubbed and prepped. By 5 am he was in pre-op, and they kicked me out at 6 am and they began the cooling process. At 8 I received an update saying that had begun surgery. I'll post more as the day goes on.

They started the surgery about an hour earlier than planned... I'm glad they did because I was getting so scared that I wanted him to back out!! I know he needs it and he would be in horrible shape without it... but I cant tell you how scary it was leaving him this morning.


  1. I've been thinking about you and praying all morning for you guys. I lost my cell so I wasn't able to text you. I hope everything goes well!!
